Rof Intensity modulator yakatetepa firimu lithium niobate modulator 20g tfln modulator
ROF 20G TFLN Modulator. Tete firimu lithium niobate Intensity modulator yakakwira Electro-Optical kushandurwa kweKumusoro, iyo yakazvimirira yakagadzirwa nekambani yedu uye ine yakazvimirira yakazvimirira kodzero dzeNjere. Chigadzirwa chakarongedzwa neakakwirira-chairo colcsion tekinoroji kuti uzadzise Ultra-High Electro-Optical Shanduko Kubudirira. Kuenzaniswa neiyo tyhium niobate crystal modulator, chigadzirwa chemafuta-madiki ekutaurirana, uye microwave photonics, mapurogiramu ekutaurirana ekutaurirana.
Rof rf module 1-6g microwave optical fiber transcation analog link pamusoro pe fiber
RF Module 1-6g microwave Optical Fiber Transmission Module (Analog Link Rf pamusoro peFiber) inoumbwa neTransmitter module uye inogamuchira module, uye iyo inoshanda sezvakaratidzwa pazasi. The transmitter uses a high linear linear direct-mode DFB laser (DML) and integrates automatic power control (APC) and automatic temperature control (ATC) circuit, so that the laser can have efficient and stable output.The receiver integrates a high linear PIN detection and low noise broadband amplifiers. Microwave signal modulates laser to produce intensity modulated optical signal directly to achieve electro-optical conversion, after single-mode fiber transmission, the receiver completes photoelectric conversion, and then the signal is amplified and output by the amplifier.
ROF 3GHZ / 6GHZ Microwave Optical Transceiver modulo analog link rf pamusoro pe fiber
Rof-PR-3G / 6g Series RF pamusoro peFiber. The analog photoelectric receiver has a wide band and flat photoelectric response characteristics from 300Hz to 3GH or 10K to 6GHz, and a high photoelectric conversion gain, which is a very cost-effective photoelectric receiver. It is very suitable for application in optical pulse signal detection, ultra-wideband analog optical signal receiving and other system fields.
Rof modl Series Optical Delay Deams inogadziriswa Electric Optical Delay Module
Rof-MODL fiber optic delay line Module series electric optical adjustable delay device is an electronic control, accurate adjustment of optical delay device, with high integration and low cost characteristics, the device can provide 300ps, 660ps, 1000ps, 1200ps, 2000ps optical delay. Zvakakodzera Delay Kudzora kunowanikwa nekure kure kudzora kuburikidza neRs-232, Rs.4885 kana maRs422 interfaces. Kuti kuve nyore kwevashandisi, vanotakurika LCD vanopikisa vanogona zvakare kupihwawo.