Rof-PD1570G Ingaas Phéreceiver Yakakwira Speed Inged Photodetector
Rofea yakazvimirira yakagadzirwa Photodetector Photodes Mutsara wechigadzirwa uripo unosanganisira: Analog Signal photodetector neApplized Photodetector, Yakakwira Speed legetEl, Snow Sky Dector (APD), Balancector Cetector, etc. -
Rof-BPD Series Balated Photodetector Optical Kuongororwa Module Yakakwira Speed Photodetector Unmamptified
ROF-BPD Series High-Speed Blatced Optical Kuongororwa Module (Yakaringana Photodetector UNTUMER Ruzha uye Inokonzeresa Retio yeSystem, Sarudzo Bandwidth kusvika 40GHZ, zviri nyore kushandisa uye zvimwe zvinhu. Izvo zvinonyanya kushandiswa muminda yeanenge akaungana kutaurirana, Lidar, microwave Photon Concecence Kuona, uye Fiber Optic Tripment.
Rof-apr yakakwira sensitivity photodetector mwenje module APD photodetector
Iyo yepamusoro sensettector inonyanya kuumbwa neRof-APT Sies APD Photos Officio (APD Phyikoctin Sensete Comment
Rof 200m PhotoDetector Avavalanche PhotoDetector Optical Dectionctor Apd Photodetector
Iyo yepamusoro sensettector inonyanya kuumbwa neRof-APT Sies APD Photos Officio (APD Phyikoctin Sensete Comment
Rof-PD 50g Yakakwira Specal Optical Kuongororwa Module Pin Detector Low low Photodetector Amplifier
Iyo yakakwira-yekumhanyisa optickection module
ROF-QPD Series APD / PIN PhotodetEctor Four-quadrant Photoelectric Kuona Module 4 Qadrant Photodetector
ROF-QPD Series Four-quadrant Photoelectric Kuona module Autpts ina-quadrant Photodedector), inonyanya kugadzirwa kutenderera ciriniki uye yakaderera ruzha.
Izvo zvinonyanya kushandiswa kune beam chinzvimbo chekuyera uye chaicho kona kuyedzwa, uye mhinduro wavelength inovhara 400-1700nm (400-1100nm 800-1700nm). -
Rof-pd 50g Pin photodetector Low low Pin Phyreceiver Yakakwira Speed Pin Detector
Iyo yakakwira-yekumhanyisa optickection module
Rof-pr 10ghz yakakwira-speed photodetector mwenje module optical detector enzaniti
Iyo ROF-10G 10GHZ Yakakwira-Speed Chiedza Chekutumira Module Inoshandisa Spection signal reception, high-speed optical fiber transmission system, ROF and optical fiber sensing systems and other fields.